Tuesday, June 11, 2013

George Hollenback ~ Waverley's First Reeve

sourced from "Waverley Generations" (2005)

In 1904 George Hollenback along with his wife Dena and two children Myrtle and Gerald moved to the Wood Mountain area from White River, South Dakota. They were also joined by Dena's parents, Anna and Oman Offerson and brothers Turbin and Jack Offerson.

George Hollenback, the first reeve of the RM of Waverley #44

In 1907 they moved a little further west and squatted on land that was the former N-N Ranch and now the present Triple Z Ranch home quarter. The Offerson's first lived in a dugout cellar left by the N-N and later built an adobe house and barn and the Hollenback's squatted just to the north.

Soon after, George Hollenback filed on a new place to the west (Darrel & Katherine Petersen's current home quarter) where he first built an adobe and then later a "big white house". Their third child, Pat, was born after they moved to the new place.

George was a rancher and owned shares of cattle and horses as well as ran a herd of 3000 head of sheep.

In 1913 George was elected as the first Reeve of the new RM of Waverley #44 and upon the request of Dena he had land set aside for the Mountain View Cemetery which she named. Dena's brother Turbin was the first person buried in the Mountain View Cemetery in 1915. Dena passed away in 1925 and was also buried there.

George was also a founding member of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers which is celebrating it's 100th AGM this year. He was also the Indian Agent for the Wood Mountain Reserve as he knew how to speak Sioux.

After Dena's passing George moved to Montana with Myrtle and Pat and later remarried and ranched south of Glasgow on the Missouri River.

**Pictures & Stories Wanted**
If you have any pictures, documents, stories or other items that have a connection to the people or places of the RM of Waverley #44 that you would like to share please contact Kimberley via email (kimberleyeklund@hotmail.com)

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