Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Waverley ~ The Beginnings

The Rural Municipality of Waverley #44 was incorporated in January 1913 and the first elections were held on February 1, 1913.

The RM of Waverley is located in south central Saskatchewan along the Montana border. The southern most part of the RM is made up of a ridge of hills known as the "Wood Mountains" and is the second highest elevation in Western Canada east of the Rocky Mountains. This ridge of hills is known locally as "The Bench" and is home to a large portion of the Grasslands National Park as well as many ranches and farms. As you move north in the RM the land starts to smooth out into more subtle rolling hills where more pasture and farm land is located.

Settlers from all corners of the world including England, Scotland, Ireland, Ukraine, Hungary, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Romania, United States, as well as Eastern Canada carved out homesteads, farms and ranches in the RM of Waverley.

Two communities reside in the RM of Waverley, Glentworth and Fir Mountain as well as the Wood Mountain Reserve.

- "Waverley 44" Book
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood_Mountain,_Saskatchewan

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful picture!! Looking forward to more info!!


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